prof. dr. sci. Senad Burak

redovni profesor Univerziteta u Sarajevu iz naučnih oblasti "Računarsko inženjerstvo" i "Programiranje"


Professional experience in real time, performance critical software development, system integration, requirements analysis, scientific and engineering applications, accounting systems, relational database systems (xBase, IBM DB2, MS SQL, MySQL), Internet and commerce.  

Diverse experience in programming using object oriented methodologies, with expertise in .NET technologies, .NET CORE, .NET MVC, C#, JavaScript and ASP. Expertise in database systems MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, MySQL and ADS. Author of the worldwide known system “dbAssist 2000/XP” for administering xBase files, written in VO2.7. Author of “Scale King XP”, the Australia’s most popular system for managing electronic weighting scales. Author of many dynamic web systems based on .NET, .NET MVC. .NET CORE, C# and MS SQL Server platform.

Programming Languages:  C#, C/C++, VB, JavaScript, Cobol, Dbase, Clipper, Visual Objects, Java, Matlab, Python, Fortran, Pascal, SQL

Google Scholar: kliknite ovdje

ResearchGate:   kliknite ovdje


  • 1994-1997 The University of Adelaide, AUSTRALIA, Faculty of Engineering
    • Doctor of Sciences
  • 1993-1994 The University of Adelaide, AUSTRALIA, Faculty of Engineering
    • Master of Engineering
  • 1974-1979 University of Sarajevo, BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
    • Honours Graduated Degree in Physics


Educational Management Information System (EMIS) for managing private clinics, dentists and medical practices (author)

Electronic Medical Information System (EMIS) for managing private clinics, dentists and medical practices (author)

Forum of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina , .NET CORE, C#, MS SQL Server, MS Reporting Services (author)

Web Management Information System of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina , .NET CORE, C#, MS SQL Server, MS Reporting Services (author)

An integrated Student Information System implemented at the University of Sarajevo with 23 faculties and over 35,000 students, ASP.NET, C#, MS SQL Server, MS Reporting Services (author) 

Driving License Test Exams, used in Federation of Bosnia & Herzegovina, ASP.NET MVC, C#, MS SQL Server, MS Reporting Services (author)

Driving License Management Information System, used in the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, Central Bosnian Kanton, Federation of Bosnia & Herzegovina, ASP.NET, C#, MS SQL Server, MS Reporting Services, Federation of Bosnia & Herzegovina, ASP.NET, C#, MS SQL Server, MS Reporting Services (author)


Web Management Information System of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, Federation of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Central Bosnian Kanton, .NET CORE, C#, MS SQL Server, MS Reporting Services (author)

School Management Information System used in 82 primary and secondary schools in Bosnia & Herzegovina, ASP.NET, C#, MS SQL Server, MS Reporting Services (author)


Shool Management Information System used in 82 primary and secondary schools in Bosnia & Herzegovina, ASP.NET MVC, C#, MS SQL Server, MS Reporting (author)

Schedule system, advanced time table application for educational institutions, C++ (author)


Educational Management Information System e-Dnevnik, ASP.NET MVC, C#, MS SQL Server, MS Reporting (author)


Library Management Information System used in faculties, primary and secondary schools, ASP.NET, C#, MS SQL Server (author)

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd. Sydney, Australia”:  An integrated IT business solution for this international corporation, with over 7,000 installations worldwide (lead software developer).

Trend XP”: an integrated Student Information System implemented and used in eight faculties at two Universities in Bosnia Herzegovina (author).

Scale King XP”: An award winning scale management system for managing various types of electronic scales. Used in most major supermarkets and meat industries in Australia (author).

Printer Manager 2000”: A multi user application designed to simplify the programming and reporting of transactions from selected label printers used in the food industry and supermarkets (author).

"Gap Solutions Pty Ltd", Adelaide, Australia: Integrated ordering, job costing and invoicing system in full integration with the accounting package Sybiz Vision  (lead software developer).

dbAssist 2000/XP”, a professional but easy to use utility for managing and administering xBASE database files. Worldwide selling through the Internet (author).

Merchant Manager”: A custom written multi-user software, developed for fruit and vegetable merchants, in full integration with Sybiz Vision accounting package. Levies and commissions are calculated automatically during the invoicing and then posted to the creditors ledger, inventory and general ledger. Reports required by the taxation office are also produced (author).

The University of Adelaide, Faculty of Engineering: Developed a set of numerical algorithms used to implement an original solution to a complex engineering problem of inverse vibrations for some special one, two and three dimensional dynamic systems. Developed a Windows based application used to predict performance of a high building from testing data. The application created performance reports and graphs (author).

APCC Pty Ltd, Adelaide, Australia: Custom written solutions for various cutomers using Sybiz Vision accounting system (author).

Lightning Express Couriers Pty Ltd, Adelaide, Australia: a fully functional management system for the courier/delivery industry (author).


1. Senad A. Burak, "Modelling and identification of dynamic systems using modal and spectral data", Thesis (Ph.D.), University of Adelaide, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, AUSTRALIA, 1997.

2. S. Burak and Y.M. Ram, “The construction of physical parameters from spectral data”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 15, pp. 3-10, 2001.

3. Burak, S. and Doleček, V. (2001): “Student Information Systems – Trend 2000, Practical Approach”, The 3rd International Conference on Revitalization and Modernization of Production RIM 2001, Bihać

4. Burak S., Doleček V., Karabegović I., “Simulation based analysis and design of robot arm systems”, The 7th International Research/Expert Conference “Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology “, TMT 2003, Lloret del Mar , Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 15-16, 2003.

5. Burak S. , Doleček V. , Karabegović I. , “ 3D graphical simulation of virtual robot systems “, The 4th International Conference on Revitalization and Modernization of Production, RIM- 2003. Bihać B&H, Sept. 25-27, 2003.

6. Senad Burak, “An integrated software package for analytical and graphical interpretation of non-linear systems”, Informatika, the 4th International Conference on e-economy and IT”, Mostar 2003.

7. S. Burak: Virtual robotics – a graphical simulator of SCARA type of robots , 8th International Research/Expert Conference, Neum BiH, September, 2004

8. Senad Burak, “Software developers and the new .NET world”, Informatika, the 5th International Conference on e-economy and IT, Mostar 2004.

9. Senad Burak, “Building a software system for managing and automating electronic weighing scales”, Informatika, the 5th International Conference on e-economy and IT, Mostar 2004.

10. S. Burak: “A Graphical Simulation for Path Planning Problem for Autonomous Mini Robots”, 9th International Research Conference, Antalya, Turkey, September, 2005

11. S. Burak: “Artificial intelligence and the problem of path finding in robot simulations", The 10th International Research/Expert Conference “Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology “, TMT 2006, Lloret del Mar , Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 11-15, 2006.

12. N. Bijedic and S. Burak: “Cluster analysis of a scale-free network”, The 10th International Research/Expert Conference “Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology “, TMT 2006, Lloret del Mar , Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 11-15, 2006.

13. S. Burak: "Neophodna informatička struktura za primjenu i razvoj Bolonjskog procesa", Zbornik radova-Univerzitet u Sarajevu, 2007.

14. S. Burak: "Implementacija informacionih tehnologija na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu", Zbornik radova-Univerzitet u Sarajevu, 2008

15. S. Burak: "Strategija informatizacije integriranog univerziteta", Zbornik radova-Univerzitet u Sarajevu, 145-150, 2009.

16. I Horman, I Busuladžić, S Burak, N Beljak: "Influence of Different Parameters on Mechanical Characteristics of Wood Welded Assemblies", Advanced Technologies, Systems, and Applications III, pp 544-554, Springer 2018.

17. Senad Burak, Fikret Veljovic: "Ergonomic Analysis and Redesign of Workspace in Order to Minimize Workers’ Workload and Optimize Their Nutrition", TEM Journal. Volume 8, Issue 2, Pages 572-576, 2019.

18. Fikret Veljovic, Senad Burak, Edin Begic, Izet Masic: "Redesign of Work Space in Order to Reduce Noise Health Effects", Mater Sociomed 31 (2), 135-140, 2019.

19. Fikret Veljovic, Senad Burak, Edin Begic, Izet Masic: "Noise Effect on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate - Regression Analysis in Service of Prediction", Acta Informatica Medica 27(3):162-166, 2019.

20. R. Karabeg, F. Veljovic, A. Voloder, S. Becirbegovic, Dz. Jahic, S. Burak, E. Begic, I. Masic: "A Mathematical Model of Achilles Tendon Overload During Jump Shot",  Medical Archives 73(4):228-233, 2019.

21. Fikret Veljovic, Senad Burak,  Edin Begic, Dzenan Jahic, Faris Kadic, Amer Iglica: "Lumbar-load analysis of a soldier while carrying the heavy loads", Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences 7 (4), 1599-1606, 2019.

22. Hazim Bašić, Mehmed Duharkić, Senad Burak: "Numerical simulation of hot forging process in production of axisymmetric automobile parts", Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 7 (4) 1572-1581, 2019.

23. Fikret Veljović, Senad Burak, Avdo Voloder, Edin Begić, Amer Iglica: "Mathematical Model and Analysis of Back and Abdominal Muscle Loading in Relation to Angle of Bending and External Load", TEM Journal, Volume 8, Issue 4, Pages 1326-1330, ISSN 2217-8309, 2019.

24. Fikret Veljovic, Senad Burak,  Avdo Voloder, Benjamin Kunovac, Dzenan Jahic, Faris Kadic: "Influence of school backpacks on spinal column load in primary school students", Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 7 (4), 1768-1775, 2019.

25. Senad Burak, Edin Begic, Nedim Begic, Faris Kadic: "Sedentary behavior as a public health issue: Ergonomics as a useful tool", Sustainable Engineering and Innovation, Vol 1No 2, 112-120, 2020.

26. Avdo Voloder, Fikret Veljović, Senad Burak: "Determination of angular acceleration of the driving rotating member of planar  mechanisms by method of guessing", International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences,  Vol. 7. Issue 4, 17-20, 2020.

27. Fikret Veljović, Senad Burak, Edin Begić, Alden Begić, Amer Iglica, Reuf Karabeg: "Effect of noise on blood flow velocity in aorta", TEM Journal, Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 73-77. 2020.

28. Fikret Veljović, Senad Burak,  Edin Begić, Selma Čuhara: "An ergonomic analysis and computer simulations of nursing activities while raising the patients in hospitals and nursing homes", Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences,  Vol. 8. No. 2, 580-588, 2020.

29. Avdo Voloder, Fikret Veljović, Senad Burak: "Conditions on full rotation of the drive member of the four-joint mechanism", 6th International Conference "New  Technologies,  Development and Application NT-2020",  Springer pp. 81-88,  2020

30. Fikret Veljović, Senad Burak, Orhan Lepara, Reuf Karabeg: "Distribution of oxygen consumption by graded loads during ergonometric testing", Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 8 (1), 526-532, 2020.

31. Fikret Veljović, Avdo Voloder, Senad Burak, Benjamin Kulovac, Reuf Karabeg: "The optimal design of school desks depending on the height and weight of students", Heritage and Sustainable Development, Vol 2. No. 1, 46-51 2020,

32. Senad Burak, Reuf Karabeg, Fikret Veljovic, Nedim Begic, Amer Iglica, Aida Pitic, Harun  Hodzic, Edin Begic: "Matemathical modelling and numerical simulations of COVID-19 spreading – example of Bosnia", Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences,  Vol. 8. No. 2, 1566-1579, 2020.

33. Fikret Veljović, Denis Čaušević, Damir Šečić, Edin Begić, Nihad Selimović, Dženan Jahić, Halid Ganija, Avdo Voloder, Senad Burak: "Biomechanical analysis of three-point shot in basketball", Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Vol. 9. No. 2, 684-690, 2021.


1. Senad Burak: "Introduction to programming: C++, .NET, C#, MATLAB", University book, 2010, ISBN 978-9958-585-78-4, COBISS.BH-ID 17799686, kliknite ovdje (Cobiss)

2. Senad Burak, Zejd Imamović: "Programming I C# - Solutions manual", University book, 2020, ISBN - 978-9958-601-82-8, COBISS.BH-ID - 28794630, kliknite ovdje (Cobiss)

3. Senad Burak, Zejd Imamović: "Programming I MATLAB - Solutions manual", University book, 2020, ISBN - 978-9958-601-83-5, COBISS.BH-ID - 28794886, kliknite ovdje (Cobiss) 


1. Tempus projekt „Razvoj informacijske pismenosti za cjeloživotno učenje i ekonomiju zasnovanu na znanju u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana, Limerick, Republika Irska, 2011

2. Tempus projekt “Launching of the Network of Mediterranean Universities for Education for Sustainable Development”, Athens, Greece, 2008-2010

3. Tempus project “R&D Capacities – Adapting research structures to enhance university knowledge transfer”, Gratz, Austria, 2009

4. Tempus projekt: Example of Excellence for Joint (Degree) Programme Development in South Eastern Europe, Poitiersu, Republika Francuska, 2010

5. High Performance Computing, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Sarajevo, 2011

6. Tempus project CARDS - Joint European Projects_JEP- pod nazivom:"Development of Master program in Sustainable Energy Engineering (SEE)"

7. “Postavljanje wireless mreže na objektima visokoškolskih ustanova Univerziteta u Sarajevu, projekt Vlade Kantona Sarajevo, predsjednik koordinacionog odbora i odgovorno lice sprovođenja projekta, 2008-2010

8. Informacioni sistem HR UNSA – menađment ljudsjih resursa Univerziteta u Sarajevu, projekt Rektorata Univerziteta u Sarajevu, član koordinacionog odbora, autor i odgovorno lice sprovođenja projekta, 2010-2014

9. Informacioni sistem za provedbu Eksterne mature osnovnih škola Kantona Sarajevo, Projekt Ministarstva obrazovanja, nauke i mladih Kantona Sarajevo, autor i odgovorno lice sprovođenja projekta, 2015-2016

10. Provedba Eksterne mature osnovnih škola Kantona Sarajevo, Projekt Ministarstva obrazovanja, nauke i mladih Kantona Sarajevo, predsjednik Kantonalne komisije za informatičku podršku, 2015 

11. Informacioni sistem za provedbu poslova iz oblasti Zakona o osnovama bezbjednosti saobračaja na putevima u Bosni i Hercegovini, Projekt Ministarstva obrazovanja, nauke i mladih Kantona Sarajevo, odgovorno lice sprovođenja projekta, 2015 

12. Izgradnja, implementacija i održavanje sustava EMIS svih osnovnih i srednjih škola Srednjobosanskog Kantona / Kantona Središnja Bosna, projekt Ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke / Ministarstva obrazovanja i znanosti SBK / KSB, autor i izvršitelj projekta po autorskom ugovoru, 2016- 2020

13. Izrada Informacionog sistema za upravljanje bibliotečnom građom Biblioteke Rektorata Univerziteta u Sarajevu e-Biblioteka UNSA, Projekat Rektorata Univerziteta u Sarajevu, autor i izvršitelj projekta po autorskom ugovoru, 2012

14. Klinički centar Univerziteta u Sarajevu, dizajn dorade baze podataka i unosa podataka u sistem za Projekt “Ventilaciono/perfuziona sintigrafija u detekciji plućne embolije i praćenje terapisjkog efekta kod oboljelih”, autor i izvršitelj projekta po autorskom ugovoru, 2012

15. Informatizacija osnovnih i srednjih škola Kantona Sarajevo, programiranje i implementacija Informacionog sistema EMIS WEB, Projekat Ministarstva obrazovanja, nauke i mladih Kantona Sarajevo, autor i odgovorno lice sprovođenja projekta, 2009 - 2015 

16. Informatizacija osnovnih i srednjih škola Kantona Sarajevo, programiranje i implementacija aplikacije EMIS PRINT za elektronsko izdavanje i štampanje svjedodžbi i uvjerenja Projekat Ministarstva obrazovanja, nauke i mladih Kantona Sarajevo, autor i odgovorno lice sprovođenja projekta, 2009 – 2015

17. Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Fakultet Kriminalističkih nauka, Saobračajni fakultet, Filozofski fakultet, Građevinski fakultet, Arhitektonski fakultet, Muzička Akademija, Univerzitet u Bihaću - Tehnički fakultet:  Izgradnja i implementacija Informacionog sistema studentske službe, izvršitelj projekta po autorskom ugovoru, 2001-2015

18. Univerzitet u Sarajevu i 'COMP – 2000' Društvo za istraživanje i razvoj informacionih sistema Sarajevo, “Plan razvoja integralnog informacionog sistema Univerziteta u Sarajevu”, 2003

19. Univerzitet u Sarajevu i 'COMP – 2000' Društvo za istraživanje i razvoj informacionih sistema Sarajevo, “Strategija razvoja integralnog informacionog sistema Univerziteta u Sarajevu”, 2003

20. Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Mašinski fakultet, Izgradnja i implementacija Informacionog sistema studentske službe, autor i izvršitelj projekta po autorskom ugovoru, 2000

21. Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Mašinski fakultet, Izgradnja i implementacija Informacionog sistema biblioteke, autor i izvršitelj projekta po autorskom ugovoru, 2000


1. Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Mašinski fakultet: profesor iz predmeta 'Programiranje I', 'Programiranje II', 'Ekspertni sistemi i baze znanja', 'Umjetna inteligencija i inteligentni sistemi', 'Programski jezici', 'Računarska tehnika i grafika', 'Informacioni sistemi', 2000-2021

2. Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Fakultet za javnu upravu: profesor iz predmeta 'Informatizacija poslovnih procesa u javnoj upravi', 2009-2010

3. Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Prirodnomatematički fakultet: profesor iz predmeta 'Principi programiranja', 2001-2005

4. Univerzitet 'Džemal Bijedić' Mostar, Fakultet informacijskih tehnologija FIT: profesor iz predmeta 'Uvod u programiranje', 'Programiranje', 'Analiza i projektovanje informacijskih sistema', 2002-2005

5. Univerzitet u Bihaću, Tehnički fakultet: profesor iz predmeta 'Informacijske tehnologije', 2001

6. The University of Adelaide AUSTRALIA, Faculty of Engineering: profesor iz predmeta 'Computational techniques', 'Advance Vibrations', 1997-1998

7. Srednjoškolski Centar Travnik: profesor iz predmeta 'Fizika', 'Elektrotehnika', 1979-1988


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